Sunday, 6 April 2014

London Farewells

No need to state the obvious, I'm a bad blogger. It hasn't been a whole month yet if that counts for anything... not really I suppose. Anyways, it's almost time for me to head back to Texas and it is so bittersweet. The past month or so has been really busy, primarily with school work but not to worry, I've made a little bit of time to see more of London. Before Spring Break my bestie Rebecca was here and I loved spending time with her and showing her around my favorite parts of London, leaving was so sad but I'm excited to get to see her soon! Our Spring Break was spent in parts of England, Scotland and Wales where we visited all sorts of places. We went to Whitby and the North Sea, saw Loch Ness, relaxed in Glen Coe and hiked a little bit, and many other places...of which the names escape me, but nonetheless, it was a wonderful 10 days! We were all pretty tired of being on a coach bus...and of each other once we got home but I think that its safe to say that it has been my most memorable college SB. My favorite part was on one of the last nights a bunch of us were hanging out in the hotel lobby in Caernarvon (did I spell that right? Its Welsh.) playing pool and piano, drinking coffee, and having good conversation with good company. It's the simple things that I'll miss with some of the greatest people that I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Once we got home we were immediately back into the fray of everyday life in London. One of our first classes was through Westminster Abbey, I was practically dancing at how excited I was! I had a quick conversation with Queen Elizabeth and some of my other favorite English people. Some people get excited about sports or celebrities, I get excited about seeing dead English monarchs! To each their own?
I made a to-do list a week or so ago...and cried. It was that long and I was that worried about it. BUT with the grace and peace that comes from God I've survived this crazy hectic week (I had 3 huge papers due + other assignments) and I intend to survive the next 2 just fine. I would greatly appreciate it  though if you all would pray for me as I finish my last semester of undergrad! Pray that I would finish well and that whatever God has for me after HSU would be clear to me...and soon!
I've grown to love London, learn London, and make it part of my heart. This place, that I got to call home for this very short 13 weeks has been life changing. In the midst of making new friends, preparing for graduation, adapting to living in a foreign country, and getting school work done I learned more about myself than I ever have before. Farewell, my sweet London, I'll be back someday.
Missing you all & see you very soon,
(11 days to go!)

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