Monday, 20 January 2014

Hey Monday

Hello to all of my favorite people back home in the states, I miss you all terribly but at the same time I'm so glad that I don't get to see you guys for awhile because London is an amazing place. I'm assuming that this blog post will be rather short considering that my day, similarly to yesterday, was rather uneventful. I'm assuming that no one day will be crazy hectic from now on since we are here for such a long time, just small adventures but adventures nonetheless! The day started out with my trip to the surgeon and she confirmed that I do indeed have a sprained ankle BUT its no worse than that and it should hopefully be better soon. Thank goodness! I just need to take things a little slower, take ibuprofen and wear shoes with support, so nikes it is! After resting in my flat and icing it again I met up with the rest of our group and headed down to the Florida State University building near the British museum where our classrooms will be located for the semester (that is whenever we're not our at a museum, tour, or other adventure!). Once at FSU we took a tiny tour, got our student IDs, and then had our first lecture! Professor Rumbelow was the lecturer and he covered London history from the beginning to near present day. That's quite a lot of material to cover in 2 hours and he speaks so quickly but I enjoyed every minute of it! I'm sure that once the feeling of carpal tunnel subsides my classmates will appreciate it a little more ;). After our lecture I headed back to the flat ALONE and actually sorta felt like I belonged here. I didn't scream "American" or even look lost, success. Later on we had a group meeting and then Emily, Stephanie, Lanna and I went to dinner and grocery shopping. Nothing more to report for today, but I really should get started on my reading for classes. On one final note, just know that you can never escape Abilene. I found a sticker in my sweater today and although I am nearly 5,000 miles from that little town it has followed me here.
Missing you all,

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